Underrated Ghost Stories And Mythical Creatures All Over The World: Fourteenth Stop – Gloucestershire, England

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Underrated Ghost Stories And Mythical Creatures All Over The World: Fourteenth Stop – Gloucestershire, England

Gloucestershire in England isn’t really a popular place but this English county has established a solid reputation in the world of people who want to explore paranormal activities. This is all because of a hotel that has been dubbed as the most haunted hotel, the Ancient Ram Inn.

The Ancient Ram Inn from the outside

The Ancient Ram Inn from the outside. (Link: http://cumhuriyyet.biz/maraqli/8262-olum_sacan_lenetlenmis_mekanlar)

History of the Ancient Ram Inn

The Ancient Ram Inn is regarded as one of the most haunted bed and breakfasts in England that many paranormal researchers have checked in just to see if the reports about it swarming with lots of creepy experiences are true. Most of those who have gone to the Ancient Ram Inn have fled the area in the middle of the night because they could not last any minute in their rooms anymore due to the many sightings of ghostly creatures lurking at the inn.

Even before the Ancient Ram Inn was built, the area was already reportedly ghostly because a Pagan burial ground was put up in the property, which was around 5, 000 years ago. It was also a former residence of a priest and it also became a pub. It is the oldest building in England’s Wotton-Under-Edge area. Accordingly, the Ancient Ram Inn sits in an area with 2 Ley Lines, which many believe contains high spiritual energy thus the explanation as to why it is haunted. Per the study about the 2 Ley Lines where the hotel sits, the lines can be traced to the Stonehenge, another famous site in England. Those who believe in paranormal-related information claim that the energy from the Stonehenge travels through the Ley Lines in order to feed the paranormal power of a property.

The Ancient Ram Inn was owned by a lot of people and entities since it was built in 1145. It was owned in private by John Humphries up to when he died last December 2017.

John Humphries, the owner of the Ancient Ram Inn for many years

John Humphries, the owner of the Ancient Ram Inn for many years. (Link: http://www.thebohemianblog.com/2015/07/the-ancient-ram-inn-a-visit-to-englands-most-haunted-house.html)

The Ancient Ram Inn Being A Subject Of Television Shows

Because of its reputation being one of the most haunted hotels in England, many producers have gone to the area and produced an episode or two about it. Some of the TV shows that have featured the Ancient Ram Inn are “Ghost Adventures,” “Great British Ghosts,” and “Most Haunted.”

The oldest paranormal research organization all over the world called The Ghost Club also investigated the Ancient Ram Inn in 2003.

Why Is The Ancient Ram Inn One Of The Most Haunted Hotels In England?

According to reports, in the past, there were a lot of child sacrifices and devil worships that have happened at the Ancient Ram Inn that is why it is haunted by a lot of evil spirits. The late owner of the Ancient Ram Inn, who purchased the property in 1968, said that on his first night at the property, he felt a presence grab his arm. He was then dragged out of bed and across the room – what a way to welcome the new owner on his first night!

Humphries also shared that he found evidence regarding the reports that there were child sacrifices at the Ancient Ram Inn after he saw two skeletons of children underneath the staircase. Aside from the skeletons, broken daggers were also found at the home, which was probably used during the sacrifices.

A photo of the staircase at the Ancient Ram Inn

A photo of the staircase at the Ancient Ram Inn. (Link: https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g186295-d775733-i89797872-Ancient_Ram_Inn-Wotton_under_Edge_Stroud_District_Cotswolds_England.html)

Despite being the owner of the home for many years now, Humphries shared that he still felt lot of creepy incidents and hauntings before he passed away.

Most of the apparitions, paranormal incidents, and ghost encounters took place when the Ancient Ram Inn served the public as a bed and breakfast. Many people who checked in at the hotel claimed that they saw full bodied apparitions while they were in their room. Most of the apparitions took place at night when the guests have already snuck in and they are awakened in the middle of the night by these troubled souls.

Aside from the full bodied apparitions, guests also felt like someone touched them or pulled them while they were asleep. Others claimed they heard voices talking but the things they were saying were not clear. Some also shared that they saw furniture flying across the room with their own eyes.

Some guests were so scared of the hauntings that they tried to jump out of the window of the Ancient Ram Inn.

The Ghosts At The Ancient Ram Inn

One of the spirits that reportedly continue to haunt the Ancient Ram Inn belongs to a woman, who was labeled as a witch back in the 1500s. Because people believed witches were true and that they were evil, this woman was burned at the stake. One of the rooms at the Ancient Ram Inn was called “Witch’s Room” and it is rumored that this is the room that the woman haunts.

Another woman named Elizabeth also haunts the bar at the Ancient Ram Inn. Legend has it that Elizabeth was murdered there and was buried beneath the bar.

Also, some have claimed that they saw the ghost of a centurion on horseback. The apparition reportedly goes straight through the wall.

One of the creepiest rooms has been dubbed as The Bishops room. Accordingly, a lot of terrifying things took place in that room, which could probably explain of the ghosts that live there. The ghost belonged to a young lady who is reportedly seen hanging from the ceiling. Also, apparitions of Monks could be spotted at The Bishops room.

One of the rooms at the Ancient Ram Inn

One of the rooms at the Ancient Ram Inn called the Bishops room. (Link: https://www.tripadvisor.com/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g186295-d775733-i80030244-Ancient_Ram_Inn-Wotton_under_Edge_Stroud_District_Cotswolds_England.html)

A photo showing the young lady who reportedly hanged herself at the Ancient Ram Inn

A photo showing the young lady who reportedly hanged herself at the Ancient Ram Inn. (Link: https://aminoapps.com/c/paranormal/page/blog/the-ghosts-of-ancient-ram-inn/xpRo_ElzH2u6Vo5DNpb2gEb68dw7qrKMG81)

All in all, there are reportedly over 20 ghosts at the Ancient Ram Inn. Some visitors have been kind enough to leave comments on a travel website and one traveler to the hotel shared, “Went in Feb 2018 with my ghostbusting friends. We were very lucky in that we had a multitude of activity throughout the night. I personally experienced unexplained happenings, including the sensation of a moving floor, a catball being moved in circles across the palm of my hand of which i could feel the light sensation of somthing pushing down slightly on it and also extreme breathlessness to the extent i could hardly talk. A lamp was thrown at one of our group and several females had the sensation of someone blowing in there face!”

The Ancient Ram Inn Today

After Humphries died, his daughter Caroline became the new owner of the Ancient Ram Inn. She no longer rents the rooms to hotel guests but she keeps it open to ghost hunters and paranormal experts who want to experience how haunted the Ancient Ram Inn is. She shared that when she was still a child, she was so scared of the house that she slept outside.

Caroline Humphries, the daughter of the last owner of the Ancient Ram Inn

Caroline Humphries, the daughter of the last owner of the Ancient Ram Inn. (Link: https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/news/241188/council-forks-out-extra-cash-for-carers-to-work-in-haunted-house/)

Now, she explains that she no longer opens the Ancient Ram Inn to guests who hope for a good night’s sleep at a reputable hotel because, “It’s just too haunted.” Caroline has lived in the home for almost 50 years and all she can say is she has accepted the fact that she has to live with unwanted guests.

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